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Study Peace at the University of Notre Dame: Fully-Funded Master’s Program

PCDN Global

October 29, 2021

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As our global community continues to navigate worldwide uncertainty and challenges, equipping peacebuilders with the tools and knowledge to address violence and increase justice is more important than ever.


Applications are now being accepted for fall 2022 admission to the


This program builds on the strength of over 35 years of education and training for peacebuilding professionals at the, part of the Keough School of Global Affairs at the University of Notre Dame.


At the Kroc Institute, we emphasize strategic peacebuilding, ensuring that our graduates are able to think critically about the causes of violence and act decisively to build the conditions that lead to human flourishing and more just societies.


In the two-year , all students undertake an interdisciplinary core curriculum. Students in the International Peace Studies Concentration receive specialized training in strategic peacebuilding, reflective practice, and the foundations of the peace studies field. Applicants can also pursue concentrations in Sustainable Development or Governance and Policy.


A hallmark of the program is an extended six-month field internship experience with an organization dedicated to working for peace and justice around the world.


Past field site locations have included Colombia, El Salvador, Kenya, Lebanon, Myanmar, the Philippines, South Africa and Washington, D.C. Our field organizations range from international NGOs to policy-oriented think tanks to civil society groups to local grassroots organizations. While in the field, students also conduct independent research with coaching from a faculty advisor. This research serves as the basis for a final master’s capstone project.


All students without outside funding admitted to the International Peace Studies concentration will be granted full funding, including a living stipend. 


All costs associated with the field internship experience are covered as well.


The application deadline for Fall 2022 admittance is December 15, 2021.


Join our network of over 1,800 peace studies alumni who work worldwide to advance justice and advocate for sustainable peace.



If you have questions or would like more information about the Master of Global Affairs, International Peace Studies program, please contact Susan St. Ville, Director of the International Peace Studies Concentration at [email protected], or Jennifer Betz, Assistant Director of the International Peace Studies Concentration at [email protected].


The University of Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, part of the Keough School of Global Affairs, is one of the world’s leading centers for the study of the causes of violent conflict and strategies for sustainable peace.

June 14, 2016; Susan St. Ville - Keough School. (Photo by Barbara Johnston/University of Notre Dame)


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