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Trauma Devastates Lives, But The World Now Has The Tools To Help People & Communities Heal

Craig Zelizer

March 7, 2018

This is a sponsored organizational post on PCDN

Tens of millions of people suffer the consequences of traumatic experiences each year.

Violence, disasters, abuse and discrimination cause these ‘inner wounds’.

But the world now has the tools to heal them.

One such tool is EMDR Early Intervention.

We invite you to participate in a conference that will explore how this early trauma treatment can preempt the onset of PTSD and other mental health problems. In the hands of professionals, supported by trained paraprofessionals, this new tool would add another dimension to humanitarian aid, contributing to a stronger and lasting impact on peace and development.

Global Summit Conference

EMDR Early Intervention and Crisis Response:

Current Practices, Research Findings, Global Needs and Future Directions

20-22 April 2018, Boston, USA

Participation can be in person, via livestreaming, or delayed viewing. Individual and group discounts available. Full program and discount details at www.EMDRearlyintervention.com



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